2016 Honda Civic Touring Walk Around
2016 Honda Civic Touring Walk Around
Posted on March 20, 2020
Chuck: Good afternoon
Greg: Good morning
Chuck: And welcome to Southlandhonda.com, we’re Two Honda Guys next to the
Greg: 2016 Honda Civic Touring
Click here to view our 2016 Honda Civic Inventory
Chuck: And we’re doing a mini walk around, just showing you some of the features that maybe you don’t know exist on our new civic
Greg: I don’t do anything mini
Chuck: No you don’t, except mini donuts and I’m guessing that’s by the truck load
Chuck: Blind spot information, when you make a right hand lane change, this little camera here activates
Greg: Chuck knows lots about things that are mini
Chuck: Are you still talking?
Chuck: It shows you where your blind spot is. Right in your dashboard, if you can get a shot of that Merle right there on that flat screen, that will show you what’s in your blind spot. So in rush hour traffic, on 32 hwy before the 4 lane opens up at the Fast Gas, you’ll know exactly where you’re heading
Chuck: Keyless FOB entry
Greg: I like the chrome door handles, because I think they look sharp
Chuck: They do at that, that’s how you lock it, that’s how you unlock it
Merle: Can you do the Vanna hands again?
Chuck: That’s where you lock it, that’s where you unlock it
Merle: Very nice
Greg: $250 can buy an “A”
Chuck: No, vowels went up
Greg: How much are vowels now?
Chuck: They got to be a grand
Merle: You can get good financing on them now
Chuck: Good financing on vowels this week only
Greg: Special sale, low rate financing
Chuck: Absolutely, consonants come for free
Merle: What?
Chuck: Consonants, never mind
Merle: I thought you said something else, sorry
Chuck: Big enough to hold a hockey bag
Greg: You could throw Chuck in there too
Chuck: Me you could, you will need to do the Ridgeline next week… HA!
Chuck: Insulated, quiet ride. Harshness noise and vibration. All this could be yours if the price is right.
Chuck: Ease of access,
Greg: Even for us mini guys, we can easily get in there
Chuck: Leg room, easy.
Chuck: Shark fin is indicative of XM radio, also get 3 month’s worth of free XM radio
Merle: You have a face for radio.
Chuck: I have a face for radio. All the way to the front
Greg: Hey look an engine
Chuck: It’s a 2L engine
Greg: What size?
Chuck: 2L
Greg: That’s a 1.5L engine with a turbo, turbo, turbo
Chuck: My mistake, 1.5L in line for the turbo
Greg: It’s got a turbo
Chuck: Don’t expect to win Indianapolis, but you might come in second
Greg: Second place is fine, pays well
Chuck: And awesome fuel economy, when you’re travelling at 105-110 this little four sips fuel and I’m here to tell you
Greg: Cause he’s driving one
Chuck: I am, I’m very fortunate. Watch your fingers!
Greg: So we would love to tell you more about the Honda Civic and the Civic Touring’s and the Civic EX and LX and the Hatchbacks and the Coops in person
Chuck: And tell you all about your opportunity to finance. Merle, what are the rates on civics?
Merle: Low
Greg: Low rates
Chuck: Low. Lease and finance.
Greg: They’re mini
Chuck: If you’re already in a lease and finance, we have loyalty rates for you.
Greg: Oh that’s right too
Chuck: So drop in past the dealership and talk to one of the guys here and we’ll share the information with Merle, Merle can give you all the advice so you have payments that don’t break you just going into Christmas
Chuck: In the meantime, thank you for visiting Southlandhonda.com, we’ve been Two Guys showing you the 2016 Honda Civic Touring
Click here to view our 2016 Honda Civic Inventory
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