Southland Honda

Southland Honda

My Garage


Financing vs Leasing

Training and education videos to de-mystify new and used car financing options in the automotive industry.

The team here at Southland Honda believe that training and education is the best way to de-mystify or confirm some of the things you hear and read about in the automotive industry. To that end, we will be starting a series of short videos on various topics to help you the customer, stick handle through what is fact and what is fiction. Please feel free to browse through the videos and if you have any questions about new or used car financing options, we invite you to contact us at the car dealership in Winkler so that we can provide personalized solutions to fit your needs.
Thanks again for being our guest here at Southland Honda.

Leasing and Liability

High KM Lease

Simplicity of Leasing

What if I Write Off a Lease

Cash Flow

Car Financing Options

Start Your Application

If you have any questions before proceeding, please feel free to give us a call at (866) 979-9597. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Finance Application